Lindsey Witmer Collins Apps

PCOS Diva is a must-have app for women withPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) who want to reclaim theirfemininity, fertility, health and happiness and thrive with PCOS.This app is developed by Amy Medling, Certified Health Coach andfounder of, the #1 site that helps women with PCOSmanage their symptoms naturally through diet and lifestyle change.“I have tons more energy, my moods have improved, I sleep betterand even have lost weight!” - Carrie“PCOS Diva taught me a lot about nourishing the body with food,but it also taught me how to nourish myself as a whole person.” -Sara“Feeling like a Diva isn’t just a catch phrase, it is aterrifically powerful way of life.” - WrenThis simple, but effective app provides daily tips so you canlearn:- How to feel better with PCOS- What foods to eat and what foods to avoid- How to develop a positive “Diva” mindset- Ways to motivate yourself to make healthy choices- How to take extreme care of you- There is much more to managing PCOS than just diet andexercisePCOS Diva provides easy daily tips to help you thrive withPCOS.- “A Diva knows it’s “all about me.” Acting in your own bestinterests isn’t selfish. It is the only way to truly honoryourself, decrease your PCOS symptoms and increase yourwell-being.”- “Yoga builds strength while promoting calm is a powerful moodbooster. Many of us with PCOS can have the blues and anxiety. Yogahas been shown to increase the brain chemical GABA, which helpswith anxiety.”- “Chia seeds help regulate and sustain healthful blood sugarlevels and slows the metabolism of carbs into sugars. Sprinkleground seeds on yogurt, granola, salads casseroles or baked goodsor eat them whole as a crunchy condiment or garnish.”Download this app today and begin feeling better with PCOS!
Hormone Secrets - Dr Tami MD 2.2
From an expert in integrative medicine, athirty-day plan to help women lose weight and look and feel yearsyounger.As they grow older, many women struggle to lose weight. Unlikemany men their age, they may also suffer from sleep problems,osteoporosis, and depression. Many women may even feel like theyage less slowly and gracefully than their male counterparts.Dr. Tami Meraglia knows that the magic word here istestosterone. While there is ample discussion in the medicalcommunity about the effects of estrogen loss, few people are awareof the importance of sufficient testosterone levels in women. Ahealthy dosage helps women slim down, improves their mood, lowersthe risk of cardiac disease, increases energy and libido, preventsosteoporosis, enhances skin tone and texture, and may even preventcognitive decline—yet more than 90 percent of women over ageforty-five suffer from low testosterone levels. In The HormoneSecret, Dr. Tami offers an evidence-based thirty-day plan torestore healthy levels of testosterone and balance the relativelevels of other hormones, based on lifestyle modifications such assupplements and nutritional adjustments. She also offers herMediterranean Diet–based meal plan and low-impact exercise ideasthat will immediately boost your energy.With cutting-edge research and strong scientific evidence tosupport Dr. Tami’s thirty-day plan, The Hormone Secret gives youall the information you need to balance your hormones and improveyour vitality for a strong and healthy life.
Calm Mom 2.4
This is the permission slip you’ve beenwaiting for to take 5 minutes out of your day for YOU … to justbreathe. It’s your escape plan from the constant insanity that ISmommyhood. And it’s your new mantra for mental peace: Serenity now,Frank Costanza-style.I’ve designed this 30 day challenge for you because about sixmonths ago, I literally couldn’t get off the couch because I was soweighed down by my responsibilities, anxiety, and depression. Iknow that as moms, we sometimes try to balance everything on ourshoulders. And it feels like if someone poked us in passing, itcould all just come crashing down around us.We’ve all been there, and yet we still all feel alone in this. Iwant to change that.That’s why when you sign up for the challenge, I’ll hook you upwith 30 days of self-care missions (so you can actually crack opena book that doesn’t involve Dumb Dora), recipes to feed your souland tummy, and a generous helping of inspiration for living anease-filled life—all delivered straight to your phone (that you’reon all the time anyways for a few seconds of escape from your crazymama life!).Plus, you’ll get exclusive access to our Facebook community.(Aka our private island of peace just for us hot mamas. Swearingand mommy-juice wine is permitted, but no kids allowed! Exclamationpoints to infinity!) Over the course of 30 days, I’ll share withyou some of the bite-sized happiness practices that I noticedcreating BIG upward shifts on my joy meter with minimal effort. Forme, it was really just a natural, slow process (kind of like whenyour kids sprout 2 inches and you don’t even realize until they puton a pair of old pants that now look like capris).But I know you don’t have any time for dilly-dallying your wayto bliss, so I’m going to make it rain happiness on your life injust 30 days. And because you’ve got real life to contend with,I’ve folded realistic expectations into these challenges.(Read: I won’t ask you to roll out of bed at 5:30 am to do yoga.But I may ask you to go and buy yourself some better-than-sextasting chocolate and not share a single square of it, if that’scool with you.)Ready to go from I-can-barely-cope to cool, calm, super flymom?Then join us inside the 30 Day Calm Mom Challenge!
Money Magnetics 2.2
Is the Law of Attraction not working for you?Are you frustrated because you seem to push money away or neverseem to have enough? Are you ready to get unstuck in the area ofmoney? Are you one of the new entrepreneurs struggling to take yourbusiness to the next level?The Money Magnetics App is right for you if you are:• Ready to earn money at your full potential• Done struggling with debt• Over worrying because your savings account is empty• Fed up with sabotaging your efforts to earn more money and getahead• Ready to take your business to the next level• Willing to make the shift from repelling money to become a moneymagnet that draws the resources you need to fund your dreams andvisionsThe Money Magnetics app gives you 90 days of focus on your moneyinner game: the most important game in town if you want to shifthow you are manifesting money. You will learn how to:• Create safety and security without money• Access creativity and live in possibility• Draw on your true source of power to act with confidence• Create balance and move from heart-centered wisdom• Speak with clarity to attract the people and resources you needto make your dreams happen• Receive intuitive wisdom and guidance from your higher self• Work from passion and enthusiasm• Focus in the present where all possibilities exist• Live and work in the flow of authentic self-expression
Get Healthy, Happy and Hot
This app is for busy women who want to loseweight, get more energy and feel hot in their bodies, withoutdeprivation or dieting.Download this app to Get Healthy, Be Happy and Feel Hot- in just90 days. You will also get access to a free health strategy sessionwith a certified holistic health coach.What other women have said about their success in doing thisself improvement work with a certified health coach in order toimprove their health:“It changed my life. It’s not just a diet, it’s about having aplan for a healthy life. It’s about recognizing how and why you dothings and having the tools to make better choices.” Lesley D.“The biggest breakthrough was realizing how important it is totake care of our bodies. I received many examples of ways to make ahealthy lifestyle fun with healthy snacks, exercises and recipes.”Rifany ArliantiThis app has been designed by a certified holistic health coachwho is walking this healthy path and has achieved the success thatyou too can reach. The Wellness Warung’s one-on-one health coachingprogram has been adapted and repurposed into this app in order toreach out to more busy women in the world who need guidance andsupport to lose weight, be and stay healthy and to have a balancedlife.Improving your health is not difficult when you have theknowledge and support of a health coach. The information you willlearn in this app each day for 90 days:• provides a framework to live the life of your dreams that isrich in joy and nourishment• offers practical information and actionable tools to create astrong foundation for optimal health• empowers you with useful health and lifestyle knowledge that youcan implement easily• includes plant based recipes for eating well, and other healthyhabit building exercises to help you reach your ideal weight• offers guidance and daily tips and reminders that are needed toachieve balanced health that lasts a lifetimeGet Healthy, Be Happy and Feel Hot provides useful, actionabledaily tips to implement in your life which give you greater insightinto your overall wellbeing. Following the easy steps provided eachday will help you to lose weight, get more energy, become moreinformed about nutrition, inspire and motivate you to stay on thepath to health and happiness, and keep you accountable through thedaily reminders and tips to focus on you and your wellbeing.You will learn how eating a natural, plant-based diet, doingregular movement and exercise, and developing a nourishing routinewill help you to reach your ideal weight and a state of balancewhere you mind, body and soul are connected beautifully. You willfeel joy as your health improves, your outlook on life changes andyou are living your life optimally.Topics covered in this app include:• Weight Management• Cravings• Eating for Energy and Mental Clarity• Emotional Balance• Stress Management• Mindsets for SuccessWith this app you will be better able to overcome the hurdlesand challenges which can prevent you from having reaching yourideal weight and having a balanced life and success with yourhealth in a way that is fun, easy and do-able. The combination ofsupport, guidance, information and motivation are what you need toreach health and happiness and to also continue with a nourished,healthy lifestyle into the future.If you want to feel amazing every day, be your ideal weight, fitinto your skinny jeans, feel confident wearing your bikini, feelbeautiful inside and out, have more energy, eat without guilt,overcome cravings, and have a renewed enthusiasm and balance inyour life, then this app will help to get you onto the road towellbeing success.In health and happinessThe Wellness Warung
Motivation Samurai
BestYou is an application targeted to findingthe best options to reach your optimum potential in health andlife. It is made for everyone who wants guidance from day to day tokeep themselves running at optimum. This also includes a freeinitial consultation exploring what health coaching can do for you.This application was founded on 5 beliefs:-Food should nourish you-What you focus on you become-Exercise is important for everyone no matter your age-Wellness begins in your thoughts-Optimum performance can be reached by everyoneBestYou will give you insight on your wellbeing daily and willask you questions to help you make progress:-How do you feel when you have sugar?How much water is enough water?What are your exercise goals for the day? How can you ensure youreach them?-What food makes you feel the best when you eat it?As a health coach, the goal is always to help everyone reachoptimum health in all ways. That is why the initial consultation isfree! Because our purpose is to help the world reach better healththrough addressing bio-individual needs.Never be afraid to let your light shine, because your light canhelp someone find their path to changex, BestYou
LIVE FIT -Roseann Borucki-Zaft 2.4
LIVEFIT is all about living the life youweremeant to live… happy and healthy… in all areas of your life.Thinkof it like the spokes on a wheel… each spoke representingallaspects of life: home, relationships, social life,spirituality,creativity, nutrition, finances, education, health,physicalactivity and joy. If 1 spokes is bent, the other broken andanotherone missing you may find yourself “spinning your wheel” butgettingnowhere….. fast!Did you know you have everything you need… right inside of you..the power to LIVE FIT in all ways .. every day? LIVEFIT helpsyou tobring out the greatest version of yourself. We can help youtostraighten out the spokes, mend the broken ones and replace theonesthat are missing. Before you know it, you will be tooling downyourhappy road of destiny.Once you’ve download this app you are eligible for a freehealthconsultation to look at the spokes on your wheel. You willfind outwhat you really want and need more and less of in yourlife… andlearn how we are here to support you on your journey.You will receive daily, helpful tips… all sorts of“fit-bits”from aerobics to yoga, golf fitness and senior fitness,strengthand flexibility. You will find easy and yummy recipes whileyoulearn about superfoods and essential oils. You will readthingsthat will make your heart sing and put a smile on your face.Youwill find that certain special tip that will inspire you to findanedge or to soften one. It’s all here in this app.. and it’syoursfor FREE! Did you know that you can start your day overtoday…right now???? Let’s team up and put together a couple ofamazing 24hours that lead into a few fantastic weeks and that turninto fewincredible month. Before you know you will find you’recreating alifetime of awesome, optimal health and wellness toLIVEFIT…because you’ve got what it takes!Balance and Blessings,Roseann
Bust Sugar Cravings 2.2
This is a 30-Day course of simple tipsandsteps you can take toward a healthier life free ofsugarcravings!
Calm Mom Quiz 2.2
This is the permission slip you’ve beenwaitingfor to take 5 minutes out of your day for YOU … to justbreathe.It’s your escape plan from the constant insanity that ISmommyhood.And it’s your new mantra for mental peace: Serenity now,FrankCostanza-style.I’ve designed this Calm Mom Quiz to help you figure outexactlyhow to become a Calm Mom because about six months ago, Iliterallycouldn’t get off the couch because I was so weighed downby myresponsibilities, anxiety, and depression. I didn’t know wheretostart.I know that as moms, we sometimes try to balance everythingonour shoulders. And it feels like if someone poked us in passing,itcould all just come crashing down around us.We’ve all been there, and yet we still all feel alone in this.Iwant to change that.When you take the Calm Mom Quiz, I’ll help you identify howyoucan start taking some time for your own sanity, even whenyou’vegot a never-ending to-do list. We’re all busy, modern moms …withthe anxiety and stress to go with it!Plus, you’ll get exclusive access to our Facebook community.(Akaour private island of peace just for us hot mamas. Swearingandmommy-juice wine is permitted, but no kids allowed!Exclamationpoints to infinity!) After you take the quiz, I’ll sharewith yousome of the bite-sized happiness practices that I noticedcreatingBIG upward shifts on my joy meter with minimal effort. Forme, itwas really just a natural, slow process (kind of like whenyourkids sprout 2 inches and you don’t even realize until they puton apair of old pants that now look like capris).Ready to go from I-can-barely-cope to cool, calm, superflymom?Then join us inside the Calm Mom Challenge!
Mobile Tech Deck 2.2
An app for clients
I Stand For Love 2.1
Simply put: Your Love Changes the World. Yourlove reminds people that there’s hope and there’s change. Yourloving choice creates miracles. Your optimism is contagious.While holding the torch of love for the world can sometimes seemhopeless, don’t give up!This little APP is full of Big Love to give you a light infusion onthe daily. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader in yourpocket, so that when you’re running on fumes you can still love alittle bigger and a little stronger.Now’s the time to nourish your heart with daily morsels of wisdomand outrageous optimism that jumps off the screen. It’s made touplift, inspire, and sustain you every day.Become a Love Warrior now. You can start by downloading the free "IStand For Love” App.Welcome to Team Love!
Tired of the Chaos and lack of control you have? Seize your MOSTLIFE now! Don’t know where ot begin, take the MOST LIFE quiz andsee which areas you need to focus and take action with your coach’sguidance, Mo Faul is here to uplift, inspire and help you developinto the person you are meant to be! Live your MOST LIFE now. Manypeople wait until tragedy or worse, cancer or a family issue causespersonal reflection. Mo was that person, as a breast cancersurvivor, she has kept on with her goal setting and living life aslarge as she can. Her struggles to get her life back after cancerinspired her to create a system for you to experience Your MOSTLIFE!
Find Your Wellbeing Blueprint
Zing Your Health presents 30 Days toUncoverYour Personal Blueprint for Wellbeing: Dig deep to moveforward.Through daily prompts, this app is designed to help youidentifyexactly where to begin on the road to good health.In 30 days, you will define your health vision and yourfirststeps to realizing that vision, setting you up for success inyourjourney and, if you so choose, your work with a personalhealthcoach. The reflection this app encourages and the clarityyou'llachieve can save at least four personal coaching sessions(valuedat $500). This app also comes with a complimentaryinitialconsultation with Coleen Dorothy, author of “Find YourWellbeingBlueprint" and a Duke Integrative Medicine certifiedhealthcoach.Journal away…the results are worth it!"30 Days to Uncover Your Personal Blueprint for Wellbeing:DigDeep to Move Forward" by Zing Your Health
Baby Steps To A Healthier You 3.0
You've decided it's time to travel a healthierpath. Congratulations! Overwhelmed by how or where to begin? Noworries! I’ll get you there, one Baby Step at a time, Baby! Join Mefor 30 Days! Learn My Simple Solutions for a Healthier, HappierLife!Donnalyn MurphyB.A., B.Ed., CHC, AADPHealth Coach, Teacher, Founder of Body & Soul HealthCoaching and former Very-Sick-Person, LOVES to work with motivatedpeople of all ages who are ready to dig deep and experiment, touncover diet and lifestyle habits to skyrocket their Health andHappiness today! Learn more at
Endo Empowered 1.2
Endo Empowered is a the first ever wellnessapp for women who suffer with Endometriosis and are keen to use aholistic and natural approach. Be guided through 21 days towardeffectively managing Endometriosis naturally.This app is perfect for women who:• Suffer with Endometriosis and are keen to use a naturalapproach• Endometriosis sufferers who have used a natural approach tomanage Endometriosis but are not getting improvementsIf Endometriosis is affecting your fertility, causes you extremeperiod pain and you have had endometriosis for a while, then trythis fabulous Endometriosis Wellness Challenge. If you are seekingnatural pain therapies and want to get your health on track, pleasetry this first. Aunt flow doesn't need to mean extreme pain!I set out to find a cure for Endometriosis when I first began myjourney but realized I would be waiting a long time. I decided toget Endo Empowered and discovered how to naturally manage myEndometriosis instead.This app will give you the foundations to wellness which will allowyour body to rebalance and begin a new journey.Painful periods and experiencing pain with Endometriosis is no wayto live! Exploring ways to truly be healthy and well, can at leastprovide for your body to give it the tools to feel better.The Endo Empowered App is based on the work by Melissa Turner whocreated this app after spending over 5 years supporting womenaround the world with the message she shares around empowerment forwomen with Endometriosis. She designed the app as she quicklyrealized women were not supporting their bodies with the basics ofwellness. She also found that many women didn't know where to startwith using a more holistic approach and wanted to provide a simple,easy to implement challenge to get women with Endometriosisstarted.You can begin your Endometriosis wellness journey with this 21 daychallenge. These are some of the principles Melissa has used tolive a life that is completely pain and symptom free ofEndometriosis. She wants you to experience this life too!Get it now!
Vibrant Life After Cancer
The Cancer Survivors Guide to Daily PreventionVibrant Living After Cancer is for you if:You worry a cancer diagnosis may be in your future oryou’vebattled cancer and are struggling with the aftermath oftreatmentand the fear of it returning.Did you know, according to the American Cancer Society,cancersare primarily an environmental disease with 90–95% ofcasesattributed to environmental factors and only 5–10% due togenetics?Environmental factors are obesity, lack of physicalactivity,tobacco, stress, radiation, infections andenvironmentalpollutants. So the really good news is that there’s alot that youcan do to detoxify your environment and build a healthyimmunesystem to avoid the big C!This project began with the belief that experiencingabundanthealth is about making conscious deliberate healthylifestylechoices each and every day. This program provides you withdailyanti-cancer tips and strategies that you can startimplementingtoday! And here’s the great news, the side effects toliving ananti-cancer lifestyle are:-Optimal weight and energy-Less food cravings-Improved digestion-Reduced brain fog and mood swings-Coping skills to better handle stress-Beautiful skin-An overall feeling of well-beingYou can overcome fear by taking control of our healthandembracing life with joy and confidence.If you would like one on one support and accountability toliveyou most amazing life, schedule a complimentary 30 minuteOptimalHealth Strategy session or calling732-898-2215.Wishing you vibrant health!
Healthy Weight Naturally 2.3
Thank you for downloading HealthyWeightNaturally and taking the first step toward improving yourhealth!You are in the right place if you are overwhelmed withlife,stressed with not being able to lose weight and stuck withnotbeing consistent with eating healthy. This app is not for youifyou love being on a diet or like to be told what you can andcannoteat. This is not a diet app! In fact, this is designed todeliverdaily tasks that are completely doable, self-rewarding, andwillhelp you to discover your authentic health.Over the next 30 days you will receive daily healthtips,affirmations and action steps that you will need to put intoplaceto help you to stay on the healthy highway. You will be onyour wayto achieving your healthy weight naturally through eatingwell,staying active, and having fun!To get started, go to the Settings tab to select the time ofdayyou’d like your message to arrive. All your daily messages willbestored in the History tab so you will be able to look at thematany time.For the next 30 days, make a commitment to yourself toimplementthese tips daily. Simply take a few minutes out of eachday tonourish your body and soul. Trust me your body will thank youforit!Are you craving more? Sign-up for the newsletter to getrecipes,affirmations, and healthy tips delivered to your inboxmonthly.Cheers to Healthy made Simple!Stacy
My Radiant Possibilities
“My Radiant Possibilities” is fortheextraordinary woman who has big dreams and knows sherequiressomething more to make them come to life. This app offers afresh,daily dose of inspiration, along with simple, time-testedtools tosupport you in discovering and embodying all of yourRadiantPossibilities.This project began with three intentions:• To support high-achieving women in creating the health,body,beauty, confidence, success, and legacy they desireanddeserve.• To share simple, effective, and inspiring tools forawakeninginner radiance and vitality every day.• To help high-achieving women live the fulfilled and fabulouslifeof their dreams without guilt, struggle, or burn-out.“My Radiant Possibilities” offers daily inspiration andpracticalideas to support you in becoming the woman you know youare here tobe. This app also includes weekly invitations to putthese dailytips into practice, so you can truly benefit from thewisdom thatyou gain. You are also invited to join a FREE andexclusive onlinecommunity of high-achieving motivated women thatshare, support, andcelebrate each other and every step you taketoward your greatestself. For example:• Learn about the life-opening “three-minute intentionsetting”practice• Discover powerful food choices for your unique andbeautifulbody• Activate your radiant potential by following through with aweeklyactivity• Share your experiences with like-minded women on anexclusiveonline forumBehind this app is a powerful, grounded, and visionary womanwhoholds your happiness and success in the highest regard.AliciaMorrow has created virtual and group coaching programs tosupportyour personal evolution in health and in life. Herworld-classcoaching expertise can also assist you in a VIP or 1:1coachingcapacity. To learn more, pleasevisit:www.RadiantPossibilities.comHere’s to all of YOUR Radiant Possibilities! Are you ready?
Soulvalley 2.6
Deze app is een aanvulling op het boek ‘Bits,Bytes & Bewustzijn – op het snijvlak van computertechnologie enmenselijk potentieel’, zodat zelfs het lezen van dit boek eenmultidimensionale belevenis wordt. Via je smartphone voorziet dezeapp je van aanvullende informatie door middel van korte filmpjes,online documentaires, infographics, events, gadgets, artikelen ensites die aansluiten op de inhoud van het boek.'We kijken gemiddeld elke zes minuten op onze smartphone, laten weer dan voor zorgen dat we naar iets inspirerends kijken,toch?'Hoe werkt het?Nadat je de app hebt geïnstalleerd verschijnt er dagelijks eennotificatie op je scherm die je attendeert opnieuwe content (eennieuw item) in de app. Onder 'settings' kun je in de app de tijdinstellen waarop je deze notificaties wilt ontvangen. Ieder itembestaat uit een korte intro met een afbeelding en een link. Allecontent kun je vanuit de app delen via social media. Ook wordenalle items bewaard in de app zelf, dus je kunt altijdalles op eenlater moment nog weer eens terugkijken. In het boek zelf wordt doormiddel van een app-icoontje op de desbetreffende pagina'saangegeven wanneer je hierover iets in de app terug kuntvinden.Bits, Bytes & Bewustzijn‘In de toekomst worden we wellicht niet meer geboren maar enkel noggefabriceerd, gekloond, ontdooid, gedownload of geprint in eenwereld voorzien van kunstmatige intelligentie en vergeven vankunstmatige frequenties.’Er vinden immense verschuivingen plaats, zowel op het wereldtoneelals diep in onszelf. Daarnaast bevindt de computertechnologie zichin een ongekende stroomversnelling. Dit zal onze werkelijkheid enons mens-zijn radicaal en onherkenbaar veranderen in de komende 15jaar. Virtual Reality, ‘wearables’ zoals smartwatches en het‘Internet of Things’ zijn booming. Biologie en technologie smeltsteeds meer samen, denk aan de implantatie van chips, het printenvan organen, robotjes in je bloedbanen en het uploaden van je mindin een computer.Wat zijn de implicaties voor ons bewustzijn, welzijn en mens-zijn?Is er wel sprake van een upgrade of juist een downgrade?Welkom in de wereld van Biohacking, Transhumanisme, HolisticHacking en Slow Tech.’Voor meer info over dit boek en om het te bestellen app sluit ook volledig aan bij de content van mijn virtueleplatform Soulvalley. Ga mee op een interactieve reis door jemultidimensionale zelf, door zowel de analoge als de virtuelerealiteit, in een quest naar de broncode. Ontdek verloren gewaandeinformatie, boost je bewustzijn en upgrade je biocomputer. Laat jeprikkelen om met andere ogen te kijken naar de implicaties enapplicaties van exponentiële computertechnologieën. Stap uit jecomfortzone en in de toekomst...Binnen dit platform krijg je toegang tot al mijn artikelen, onlineprogramma's, inspirerende video's en de besloten Facebook groep.Ook blijf je op de hoogte van mijn live meetups (, events, lezingen en producten. Dit allesbinnen een met een wachtwoord afgeschermde zone.Hierin zullen onderwerpen naar voren komen als:•Virtual Reality•Transhumanisme•Cyborgs•Kunstmatige Intelligentie (AI)•ET's•Nanotechnologie•Mens vs Machine•Organische Intelligentie vs Kunstmatige Intelligentie•Hoofd/Mind vs Hart•Biologie vs Technologie•GenTechnologie•Singularity•Multidimensionaliteit•Mind ControlAlle content is gerelateerd aan bewustzijn, welzijn en hetactiveren van ons ongelimiteerde, ware potentieel. Aan de groterevragen als:'Wie ben ik','Waarom ben ik hier','Wat is werkelijkheid'.Mijn missie is het bieden van andere invalshoeken, lostrekken vanoogkleppen en schudden aan wereldbeelden. Ik zie ik zie wat jijniet ziet.Welkom in WonderlandMaak nu via (of .com voor de Engelse versie)een gratis account aan en krijg direct toegang totSoulvalley.Heel graag tot ziens, live of virtueel!Virtual Vibes,Yfke Laanstra
Relationship Tips for Intimacy 2.4
Get daily intimacy exercises to enhance the connection in yourrelationship. Build self-esteem and deepen love with this free app.The relationship tips are here to help you have a successfulrelationship. This app utilizes the practices from the book ofrelationships “Road to Love: Lessons and Love Letters from aJourney to Intimacy” By Kamala Chambers. You’ll get a wide varietyof relationship tips and marriage tips on: -Tantric sex-Relationship success -Building self esteem -Increasing intimacy-Intuition This app proved you with more that 101 relationship tipsso you and your partner can be happy together. It’s time formarriage coaching be easy access so you can have better sex andmore intimacy. Have the relationship tips you need right at yourfingertips. In successful relationships, each partner has high selfesteem and understand what it takes to build intimacy. Self love isthe foundation for marriage success. What you’ll get in this app:-Marriage tips -Relationship tips -Intimacy coaching -Relationshipquotes -Love affirmations -Daily tips and resources -Learn thefoundations for tantric sex and building a successful relationship.You’ll see that the relationship tips are working within the first30 days. These relationship tips for intimacy are your 30 daychallenge to increase the love and intimacy in your marriage. Whenyou combine mindfulness meditation with tantra exercises yourintuition can start to guide every step of your relationship soyou’ll have a successful marriage. The intimacy coaching you’llreceive in this 30 day challenge will offer you relationship tipsand marriage tips. With relationship quotes and love affirmationsyou’ll have daily love notes and love letters that you’ll have tokeep love alive in your relationship. Relationships challenge usand help us grow. We want to feel free to express who we are. Withthe right guidance and tips for relationships we not only feelfree, we’re also able to express more of who we are. Theserelationship tips for intimacy offer a step-by-step path for you towalk the road to love and keep affirming love every day. Thetantric sex practices go beyond sexual position or sex techniques.These are tools proven to make successful relationships andsuccessful marriages. With the daily love notes, love letters, andlove affirmations, you’ll be guided every day to build intimacy inyour relationship. Top marriage tips from marriage counselors andtantric teachers. Tantra tips for marital relationship success,marriage success, sexual success, and dating success. Increaseintimacy, sex, connection, self esteem, and love in yourrelationships. The exercises help with intuition, connection,sexual libido, couples connecting, and true intimacy in your lovelife. There are hundreds of relationship quotes, tantra quotes, andmarriage quotes for couples. With over 101 relationships tips,quotes, and many exercises for couples, we know couples will behappier and have more intimacy. Stop fighting, improve sex,connection, intimacy and sexual connection. Lasting love connectionhelps couples with relationship coaching, dating advice, marriageadvice, and relationship tips. Improve your marriage and have therelationship success you’ve always wanted. Talk, connect, and be asuccessful couple in your relationship. Married couples have foundmarriage success with the relationship tips for intimacy app.Follow simple tantric exercises, communication exercises, and readrelationship quotes for improved connection. Intimacy can be easyand you can have relationship success with the relationship tipsfor intimacy app. Use the relationship tips for intimacyapplication to help improve connection, sexual intimacy, marriagesuccess, and have the love you want. Guided relationship exercises,intimacy exercises, relationship tips, and other intuitiveexercises for your relationship success. Go deep with simpletantric exercises. Get the best relationship tips out there.
Online Entrepreneur Start Up 2.4
For most entrepreneurs, selling isn’t easy. And selling online canbe even more challenging. How do we as entrepreneurs digitallymarket ourselves in a way that serves rather than sells? As anentrepreneur, we don’t have to be a sleazy salesman to make money.In fact, when we merge our heart, gifts and desire to help intodigital marketing, we’re living the true purpose ofentrepreneurship. Allow this entrepreneur startup app support youwith daily action steps for creating an offer that you’repassionate about selling online. Start up entrepreneurs are oftenoverwhelmed with everything they have to do to launch theirofferings online. This free app is here to give you topentrepreneur ideas and business ideas to make selling online andmarketing online easy. With this free app, you’ll get daily step toeither make a career change and quite your job or take your onlinebusiness to the next level. Entrepreneurship and digital marketingcan be challenging to navigate. No worries! Every day, you’ll getaction steps and business ideas to make selling online simple. Withthis free online entrepreneur app you’ll get: -Daily action step-Digital marketing tools -Free resources -Business Ideas -Marketingstrategies -Clear steps to make selling online easy Take yourbusiness ideas mobile. Get business tips to create, market and sellonline. Create a career that gives you the freedom you desire andstart making sales online. Help generate entrepreneur ideas andmake marking fun. Get business ideas to help in your career,marketing, and entrepreneurship. Read marketing tips, sales tips,and career tips to help you succeed. Marketing digitally requiresstrategies for selling and closing sales. Entrepreneurship isdemanding and our app will give you the marketing tips necessary tomake entrepreneurship a lot easier. With this application you willwalk away with strategies to market online, market digitally, andsell your offer fast. We have hundreds of business ideas to helpyou market, sell, create content, plus the tools to sell. Sellingonline can be easy with our app. Have Business ideas to get yourbusiness online and start selling online. Learn how to make salesonline with out being salesy. Business ideas for: Health coachesHealers Life and relationship coaches Women entrepreneursHeart-centered business owners Consultants Educators And anyone whohas a gift to offer Start up entrepreneurs need ideas to keep theirbusiness thriving - Content creation ideas, digital marketingtools, and business ideas to help you push forward. Running out ofbusiness ideas and marketing ideas, try our application to makeentrepreneurship easier. Beyond marketing digitally you’ll needbusiness ideas that convert to sales. We will help you in yourcareer to assure business success. Get free resources forentrepreneurs, business owners, and digital marketers. Leave yourjob and have a real career utilizing digital marketing. Focus onthe gifts you have to share and get your business ideas launched.Become an entrepreneur, and working on a start up, with our topdigital marketing ideas, business ideas, and business coaching.Sell fast, market with ease, and be guided to your businesssuccess. Owning your own business can be made easier with the rightdigital marketing tips, business tips, and entrepreneurshipcoaching. Learn how to start your own business. Learn to digitallymarket your product or service with our app. Become an entrepreneurwith the right business ideas to launch. Selling online can be alot simper with the right business ideas and entrepreneur ideas.Use this free app to make creating a career you love easy. Becomean entrepreneur that can travel the world.
WorkLIFE 365
WorkLIFE Wellness 365 is an app designedforpeople who need daily, positive reinforcement for changingtheirhealth behaviors. WorkLIFE Wellness 365 provides dailywellnesstips on 4 major aspects of workplace wellness: nutrition,fitness,stress-reduction, desk ergonomics. These tips are designedto helpmake people happier, healthier, and more productive peopleat work,and other aspects of life.
Goji - Pocket Health Coach 2.3
Goji is like having a health coach in yourpocket.We support members of the over 40 crowd who are feeling stressedout by the effects of living the dream! We place special emphasison digestive issues, anxiety, food mood connection, anti-aging andcancer prevention.We have a team of health professionals behind the app that offera myriad of daily tips to contribute to your well-being.Give Goji a try and Get Our Jammin Info.See you Soon,Discovering Your Best,
Kale Yeah
KaleYeah! is for people who want to livelifehealthy + happy! Get 60 days of bite-sized information thatwillhelp to fuel your plant-powered life. Reduce stress, loseexcesslb’s and feel empowered about what you’re putting into yourbody.There’s no dieting or deprivation here just completelydo-abletips, affirmations and recipes to encourage, inspire andhelp youreach your wellness goals.::Includes a free initial consultation with personalhealthcoach, Lacy Young::What clients are saying about working with Lacy:“I now approach my health and wellness as a livingprocess,learning as I go, and knowing in the end, there are nomistakes. Iam the owner of my body and my life, and I have thewondrousopportunity to live it.”“… Delivered with such loving compassion, patienceandoptimism.”“Since working with Lacy I feel a LOT better. A health issuesIwas dealing with has waned and my relationship with foodcontinuesto improve.”“Talking with her each week is like getting a warm hug thatgivesme the strength to make the changes I want for the lifeIdeserve.”To your whole health + happiness!Kale Yeah - free daily health + diet tips fornutrition,wellness, weight loss, balance + eating right from acertifiedhealth coach
Daily Detox by Lara Zakaria 2.4
Detoxing, cleansing, juice fasts havebecomepopular as people learn the potential benefits. But doing adetoxthe right way is essential to avoid the potential dangeroussideeffects if done incorrectly. Learn how to naturally improveyourbody’s detoxifying power and how to become more attune toyoursystem’s needs!Tired of always feeling rundown? Seasonal allergiesbecomeunbearable? Suspect that something you’re eating is makingyousick? Curious if a detox can help you? Or maybe you’ve alreadydonea detox and now you’re ready to maintain your newfoundvitality.Most common symptoms of increased toxic load:~weight gain, apple shaped body types are especially pronetothis~foggy brain- inability to focus or remember~headaches or moodiness~increased allergy symptoms- specifically seasonal allergies(evernotice they get worse every year, never better?)~joint and muscle aches- increased general inflammation~Digestive problems- especially bloating and/or constipation.~Uncontrolled cravings or binge eatingOur bodies are naturally equipped to remove toxins and protectusfrom the environment. However, our modern post-industrialeraenvironment has left our system overwhelmed, resulting inincreasedsymptoms that we’ve only started to see in the past 2 or3decades.Learn how to avoid possible toxins in the food you’re eating,whatyou’re drinking and your surrounding environment. You’ll alsolearnsimply daily habits that will help you boost your body’sownability to detoxify.When your body isn’t burdened with the toxic load we all carryandcontribute to daily, it performers better, you think sharper,youdon’t suffer from seasonal allergies, you don’t get sick asoftenand your digestion improves. You may also notice lessbloating,weight loss and smoother more clear skin as aresult.~Lara Zakaria RPh, CHHC